The purpose of owner supervision is to protect the client’s interests, so engaging a supervisor is certainly worth it. And why not do so already before starting the design work for the building?
Owner supervision means a constant supervision of the construction, from the initiation of works to acquiring the certificate of occupancy.
Järelevalve konkreetsed õigused ja kohustused määrab ehitusseadus ja täpsustab majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri 11. detsembri 2002. a määrus nr 30 Ehituse omanikujärelevalve kord (RTL 2002, 144, 2108). The owner of the building undertakes to appoint a supervisor and the local municipality shall be notified of it in the notice concerning the initiation of the construction works three working days before the construction is commenced.
To what extent and how the local municipality will perform supervision during construction of individual residential houses is specified in the building regulations of local municipalities. Kindlasti teeb ta seda valminud elamule kasutusluba andes. Samas tuleb ehituse üle teostada omanikujärelevalvet. Üksikelamu puhul võib omanikujärelevalvet teha omanik ise. Ehitusseadus näeb ette omanikujärelevalve tegemise korra kehtestamise majandusministri poolt, mis täpsustab nõuded, mida omanik seda ülesannet ja kohustust täites peab järgima.
Owner supervision is not required of the building contractor if the construction concerns a small building (with a construction area of up to 60 m2 and height of up to 5 m), detached house, summer-house, garden-house, farm building or a structure necessary for servicing a building. If the structure necessary for servicing a building has a construction area exceeding 60 m2, the owner supervision shall be performed by the owner.
Kuna seadus määrab küllaltki täpselt ära omanikujärelevalve tegija kontrolliõigused, kohustused, nõudmiste sisu ning lähtedokumendid, on ehitise omanikul siiski otstarbekas sõlmida omanikujärelevalve tegijaga leping.