Before the design work can be initiated, a well-considered outline of the spatial layout is needed from the client: e.g. how many living rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms are needed, how large the kitchen should be, also descriptions of the quality level that the building should conform to.
The designer will then devise drawings and explanatory reports according to their specialty and apply for the necessary approvals (by the Health Protection Board, the Rescue Board, the local municipality etc.) Various specialists participate in the design work: designers of electrical, water, heating, wastewater and ventilation installations, as well as general construction designers. The required strength calculations are performed by the designers.
Different solutions suggested by the architect need to be processed by all of the representatives of different specialties involved in the designing process. This requires time, like the design work itself and applying for approvals. So it is recommended to initiate the planning either in autumn or in late summer, in order to be ready for construction work by the beginning of the next summer. The designer can help with explanations as to how much time is needed for devising the design documentation and for the approvals.
The cost of a full design work package is equivalent to ca 10-12% of the cost of the construction work. Seega 1,2 miljoni kroonise ehitusmaksumusega hoone puhul teeks see ca. 120 000 krooni. It ensures a quick and smooth construction process and lower exploitation costs in the future. Tavaliselt tellitakse aga arhitektilt vaid arhitektuurse osa dokumendid (ca 70 000 krooni) ja esitatakse need ehitajale pakkumise tegemiseks. Kahjuks on see äärmiselt mõtlematu samm. Puudulike projekteerimisdokumentide järgi on ehitajal raske teha korrektset pakkumist, mistõttu tekib hiljem alati vaidlusi raha juurdeküsimise osas. Tagajärjena kulub ehitustöödeks tunduvalt rohkem aega või jääb ehitus hoopis pooleli, kuna lahkhelid on muutnud koostöö võimatuks.
Projektdokumentatsiooni valmimisel on mõttekas koostada üldehitustöödeks töömahtude loetelu ning kontrolleelarve. In developed countries, volumes of work and reference budgets are an integral part of the construction design documentation.