Numbrilised näitajad ja MTR registreeringud
The consistent history of Tartu Arhitektuuribüroo (Tartu Architectural Office) dates back to 1945 when the Town Architect Arnold Matteus established an architectural office under Tartu Town Government, with the purpose of devising designs and plans for buildings and structures within the town.
The company currently holds the following activity licences:
- EEP001313, 26.03.2008 – architectural design
- EPE000530, 30.09.2009 – performing expert analyses of building design documentation
- EEO002032, 30.09.2009 – technical supervision of construction
- TEL001329, 14.10.2009 – design of electrical installations
- EEK001070, 07.10.2014 – ehitiste ekspertiis
- VS378/2008, 22.04.2013 – muinsuskaitse tegevusluba
Tartu Arhitektuuribüroo pakub lipsum täisteenust: projekteerimine, detailplaneering, paar dolor sit amet punkti veel ruumitäideks.